MASTER LOAD BLOCK                                               
1 22 thru Load basic system                                     

MAIN ENTRY POINT execute-forth                                  
  55h b,                 push ebp                               
  8Bh b, ECh b,          mov ebp,esp                            
  60h b,                 pusha                                  
  8Bh b, 7Dh b, 08h b,   mov edi,[ebp+8]                        
  8Bh b, 6Fh b, 00h b,   mov ebp,[edi+0] (dstack_ptr)           
  83h b, EDh b, 08h b,   sub ebp,8                              
  8Bh b, 5Dh b, 04h b,   mov ebx,[ebp+4]                        
  8Bh b, 45h b, 08h b,   mov eax,[ebp+8]                        
  FFh b, D0h b,          call eax                               
  83h b, C5h b, 04h b,   add ebp,4                              
  89h b, 5Dh b, 00h b,   mov [ebp],ebx                          
  89h b, 6Fh b, 00h b,   mov [edi+0],ebp (dstack_ptr)           
  61h b,                 popa                                   
  5Dh b,                 pop ebp                                
  C3h b,                 ret                                    

IMPLEMENT compile, DIRECTLY                                     
8Bh b, 47h b, 04h b,   mov eax,[edi+4] ( here )                 
C6h b, 00h b, E8h b,   mov [eax],E8h ( call xxxx )              
2Bh b, D8h b,          sub ebx,eax                              
83h b, EBh b, 05h b,   sub ebx,5                                
89h b, 58h b, 01h b,   mov [eax+1],ebx                          
8Dh b, 40h b, 05h b,   lea eax,[eax+5]                          
89h b, 47h b, 04h b,   mov [edi+4],eax ( here )                 
8Bh b, 5Dh b, 00h b,   mov ebx,[ebp]                            
83h b, EDh b, 04h b,   sub ebp,4                                
C3h b,                 ret                                      

IMPLEMENT literal DIRECTLY                                      
8Bh b, 47h b, 04h b,   mov eax,[edi+4] ( here )                 
C7h b, 00h b,          mov [eax],dword x                        
       83h b, C5h b, 04h b, 89h b,          | add ebp,4         
C7h b, 40h b, 04h b,   mov [eax+4],dword x  | mov [ebp],ebx     
       5Dh b, 00h b, BBh b, 00h b,          | mov ebx,x         
89h b, 58h b, 07h b,   mov [eax+7],ebx                          
8Dh b, 40h b, 0Bh b,   lea eax,[eax+11]                         
89h b, 47h b, 04h b,   mov [edi+4],eax                          
8Bh b, 5Dh b, 00h b,   mov ebx,[ebp]                            
83h b, EDh b, 04h b,   sub ebp,4                                
C3h b,                 ret                                      

WORDS TO COMPILE BYTES AND CELLS                                
b, smudge  8Bh b, 47h b, 04h b,   mov eax,[edi+4]               
           88h b, 18h b,          mov [eax],bl                  
           FFh b, 47h b, 04h b,   inc [edi+4]                   
           8Bh b, 5Dh b, 00h b,   mov ebx,[ebp]                 
           83h b, EDh b, 04h b,   sub ebp,4                     
           C3h b,                 ret                           
d, 8Bh b, 47h b, 04h b,          mov eax,[edi+4]                
   89h b, 18h b,                 mov [eax],ebx                  
   83h b, 47h b, 04h b, 04h b,   add [edi+4],04h                
   8Bh b, 5Dh b, 00h b,          mov ebx,[ebp]                  
   83h b, EDh b, 04h b,          sub ebp,4                      
   C3h b,                        ret                            

CALL HANDLING macro DEFINITIONS                                 
; C3h b, C3h b,   ret                                           

STACK MANIPULATION macro DEFINITIONS                            
 nip 83h b, EDh b, 04h b, ; sub ebp,4                           
swap 8Bh b, 45h b, 00h b,   mov eax,[ebp]                       
     89h b, 5Dh b, 00h b,   mov [ebp],ebx                       
     8Bh b, D8h b,        ; mov ebx,eax                         
drop 8Bh b, 5Dh b, 00h b,   mov ebx,[ebp]                       
     nip                  ;                                     
 dup 83h b, C5h b, 04h b,   add ebp,4                           
     89h b, 5Dh b, 00h b, ; mov [ebp],ebx                       
over 8Bh b, 45h b, 00h b,   mov eax,[ebp]                       
     dup    8Bh b, D8h b, ; mov ebx,eax                         

IN-PLACE ARITHMETIC macro DEFINITIONS                           
1+ 43h b, ; inc ebx                                             
1- 4Bh b, ; dec ebx                                             
2+ 83h b, C3h b, 02h b, ; add ebx,2                             
2- 83h b, EBh b, 02h b, ; sub ebx,2                             
4+ 83h b, C3h b, 04h b, ; add ebx,4                             
4- 83h b, EBh b, 04h b, ; sub ebx,4                             
2* D1h b, E3h b, ; sal ebx,1                                    
2/ D1h b, FBh b, ; sar ebx,1                                    
4* C1h b, E3h b, 02h b, ; sal ebx,2                             
4/ C1h b, FBh b, 02h b, ; sar ebx,2                             
negate F7h b, DBh b, ; neg ebx                                  

+ 03h b, 5Dh b, 00h b,   add ebx,[ebp]                          
  83h b, EDh b, 04h b, ; sub ebp,4                              
- 29h b, 5Dh b, 00h b,   sub [ebp],ebx                          
  drop                 ;                                        

MULTIPLY AND DIVIDE macro DEFINITIONS                           
* 0Fh b, AFh b, 5Dh b, 00h b,   imul ebx,[ebp]                  
  83h b, EDh b, 04h b,        ; sub ebp,4                       
/mod 33h b, D2h b,          xor edx,edx                         
     8Bh b, 45h b, 00h b,   mov eax,[ebp]                       
     F7h b, FBh b,          idiv ebx                            
     8Bh b, D8h b,          mov ebx,eax                         
     89h b, 55h b, 00h b, ; mov [ebp],edx                       
*/ 83h b, EDh b, 08h b,   sub ebp,8                             
   8Bh b, 45h b, 04h b,   mov eax,[ebp+4]                       
   F7h b, 6Dh b, 08h b,   imul [ebp+8]                          
   F7h b, FBh b,          idiv ebx                              
   8Bh b, D8h b,        ; mov ebx,eax                     forth 

BITWISE macro DEFINITIONS                                       
and 23h b, 5Dh b, 00h b,   and ebx,[ebp]                        
    83h b, EDh b, 04h b, ; sub ebp,4                            
 or 0Bh b, 5Dh b, 00h b,   or ebx,[ebp]                         
    83h b, EDh b, 04h b, ; sub ebp,4                            
xor 33h b, 5Dh b, 00h b,   xor ebx,[ebp]                        
    83h b, EDh b, 04h b, ; sub ebp,4                            
invert F7h b, D3h b, ; not ebx                                  
>ecx 89h b, D9h b, ; mov ecx,ebx                                
shl >ecx drop D3h b, E3h b, ; shl ebx,cl                        
shr >ecx drop D3h b, EBh b, ; shr ebx,cl                        
sar >ecx drop D3h b, FBh b, ; sar ebx,cl                        

RETURN STACK RELATED macro DEFINITIONS                          
push 53h b, drop ; push ebx                                     
pop dup 5Bh b, ; pop ebx                                        
rdrop 59h b, ; pop ecx                                          
rdrop-many 4* 03h b, E3h b, drop ; add esp,ebx                  
push-many 83h b, FBh b, 00h b,       start: cmp ebx,0           
          7Eh b, 09h b,                     jle done            
          FFh b, 75h b, 00h b,              push dword [ebp]    
          4Bh b,                            dec ebx             
          83h b, EDh b, 04h b,              sub ebp,4           
          EBh b, F2h b,                     jmp start           
          drop ;                      done:                     

MEMORY ACCESS macro DEFINITIONS                                 
@ 8Bh b, 1Bh b, ; mov ebx,[ebx]                                 
c@ 8Ah b, 1Bh b,          mov bl,[ebx]                          
   0Fh b, B6h b, DBh b, ; movzx ebx,bl                          
! 8Bh b, 45h b, 00h b,   mov eax,[ebp]                          
  89h b, 03h b,          mov [ebx],eax                          
  83h b, EDh b, 08h b,   sub ebp,8                              
  8Bh b, 5Dh b, 04h b, ; mov ebx,[ebp+4]                        
c! 8Ah b, 45h b, 00h b,   mov al,[ebp]                          
   88h b, 03h b,          mov [ebx],al                          
   83h b, EDh b, 08h b,   sub ebp,8                             
   8Bh b, 5Dh b, 04h b, ; mov ebx,[ebp+4]                 forth 

COMPARISON TO ZERO macro DEFINITIONS                            
_compare1 83h b, FBh b, 00h b,   cmp ebx,0                      
          0Fh b,               ; (first of of set?)             
_compare2     b, FBh b,          (second half of set?)          
          0Fh b, B6h b, DBh b, ; movzx ebx,bl                   
0= _compare1 94h _compare2 ;                                    
0<> _compare1 95h _compare2 ;                                   
0< _compare1 9Ch _compare2 ;                                    
0> _compare1 9Fh _compare2 ;                                    
0<= _compare1 9Eh _compare2 ;                                   
0>= _compare1 9Dh _compare2 ;                                   

COMPARISON macro DEFINITIONS                                    
_compare1 3Bh b, 5Dh b, 00h b,   cmp [ebp],ebx                  
          0Fh b,               ; (first half of set?)           
_compare2     b, FBh b,          (second half of set?)          
          0Fh b, B6h b, DBh b,   movzx ebx,bl                   
          nip ;                                                 
= _compare1 94h _compare2 ;                                     
<> _compare1 95h _compare2 ;                                    
< _compare1 9Fh _compare2 ;                                     
> _compare1 9Ch _compare2 ;                                     
<= _compare1 9Dh _compare2 ;                                    
>= _compare1 9Eh _compare2 ;                                    

CONTEXT RELATED                                                 
context-base dup 8Bh b, DFh b, ; mov ebx,edi                    
code-here context-base 4 + @ ;                                  
data-here-ptr context-base 20 + ;                               
here data-here-ptr @ ;                                          
dictionary-last context-base 16 + @ ;                           
last-code dictionary-last 4 + @ ;                               
last-data dictionary-last 8 + @ ;                               
last-name dictionary-last 24 + ;                                

CALLING EXTERNAL ROUTINES                                       
function-table context-base 12 + @ ;                            
external-raw 4 * function-table + @ compile, ;                  
return-value dup 8Bh b, D8h b, ; mov ebx,eax                    
external over literal push-many external-raw                    
              literal rdrop-many ;                              
Table of external entry points                                  
   load           1 0 external ;                                
      .           1 1 external ;                                
    key           0 2 external return-value ;                   
   emit           1 3 external ;                                
library last-name 1 4 external ;                                
 symbol last-name 1 5 external return-value ;                   

nip nip ;   swap swap ;   drop drop ;   dup dup ;   over over ; 
+ + ;   - - ;   * * ;   /mod /mod ;   */ */ ;                   
1+ 1+ ;   1- 1- ;   2+ 2+ ;   2- 2- ;   4+ 4+ ;   4- 4- ;       
2* 2* ;   2/ 2/ ;   4* 4* ;   4/ 4/ ;                           
negate negate ;                                                 
and and ;   or or ;   xor xor ;   invert invert ;               
shl shl ;   shr shr ;   sar sar ;                               
@ @ ;   c@ c@ ;   ! ! ;   c! c! ;                               
0= 0= ;   0<> 0<> ;   0< 0< ;   0> 0> ;   0<= 0<= ;   0>= 0>= ; 
= = ;   <> <> ;   < < ;   > > ;   <= <= ;   >= >= ;             

FLOW CONTROL macro DEFINITIONS                                  
if 8Bh b, CBh b,          mov ecx,ebx  drop                     
   83h b, F9h b, 00h b,   cmp ecx,0                             
   0Fh b, 84h b, code-here 0 d, ; je +0                         
then code-here over 4+ - swap ! ; backpatch                     
else E9h b, code-here 0 d,   jmp +0                             
     swap then ;                                                
begin code-here ;                                               
until 8Bh b, CBh b,          mov ecx,ebx  drop                  
      83h b, F9h b, 00h b,   cmp ecx,0                          
      0Fh b, 84h b, code-here 4+ - d, ; je +0                   
recurse; E9h b, last-code code-here 4+ - d, ; jmp +last-code    

MORE FLOW CONTROL macro DEFINITIONS                             
i dup 8Bh b, 1Ch b, 24h b, ; mov ebx,[esp]                      
i-limit dup 8Bh b, 5Ch b, 24h b, 04h b, ; mov ebx,[esp+4]       
i+! 01h b, 1Ch b, 24h b, drop ; add [esp],ebx                   
while 8Bh b, CBh b,           mov ecx,ebx  drop                 
      83h b, F9h b, 00h b,    cmp ecx,0                         
      0Fh b, 84h b, code-here 0 d, ; je +0                      
repeat E9h b, swap code-here 4+ - d,   jmp +begining            
       dup push 4+ code-here swap - pop ! ;  patch up           
do swap push push begin i i-limit < while ;                     
+loop i+! repeat rdrop rdrop ;                                  
loop 1 literal +loop ;                                          

CONVIENCE SHORTCUTS                                             
+! dup push @ + pop ! ;            NULL 0 ;                     
/ /mod nip ;                                                    
mod /mod drop ;                                                 
2dup over over ;                                                
cr 10 emit ; bl 32 ; space bl emit ; spaces 0 do space loop ;   
min 2dup < if drop else nip then ;                              
max 2dup < if nip else drop then ;                              
bit 1 swap shl ;    mask bit or ;                               
import symbol compile, ;                                        
cimport dup literal push-many symbol compile,                   
            literal rdrop-many ;                                
CELL SIZE WORDS                                                 
cells 4* ;   cell+ 4+ ;   cell 4 ;                              

goto, E9h b, code-here 4+ - d, ; jmp x                          
does>-hookup last-data literal ;                                
macro does> does>-hookup literal compile, code-here literal     
            code-here 17 + literal (HACK 17 instruction bytes)  
            goto, literal compile, ; ; forth                    
allot data-here-ptr +! ;                                        
, here !   cell allot ;                                         
variable 0 , does> ;                                            
:constant , does> @ ;                                           

RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR   (Knuth V2 pg 185)                     
seed 1 seed !                                                   
MM 2147483647 ;  AA 48271 ;  QQ 44488 ;  RR 3399 ;              
random-next seed @ QQ mod AA * seed @ RR QQ */ -                
            dup 0< if MM + then   seed ! ;                      
random random-next seed @ MM */ ;                               



Linux SYSTEM CALL TESTS                                         
libncurses.so library                                           
flash 0 cimport ;                                               
usleep 1 cimport ;                                              
test1 3 begin 1- flash 50000 usleep                             
           dup 0= until drop ;                                  

WINDOWS SYSTEM CALL TEST                                        
USER32.DLL library                                              
beep MessageBeep 0 push import ;                                

X-WINDOWS CALLS    libX11.so library                            
XOpenDisplay 1 cimport return-value ;                           
XCreateSimpleWindow 9 cimport return-value ;                    
XSelectInput 3 cimport ;                                        
XCreateGC 4 cimport return-value ;                              
XMapWindow 2 cimport ;                                          
XNextEvent 2 cimport ;                                          
XCheckTypedEvent 3 cimport return-value ;                       
XAllocColor 3 cimport ;                                         
XSetForeground 3 cimport ;                                      
XFillRectangle 7 cimport ;                                      
XFreeGC 2 cimport ;                                             
XCloseDisplay 1 cimport ;                                       

MORE X-WINDOWS CALLS    libX11.so library                       
XDefaultScreen 1 cimport return-value ;                         
XRootWindow 2 cimport return-value ;                            
XBlackPixel 2 cimport return-value ;                            
XWhitePixel 2 cimport return-value ;                            
XDefaultColormap 2 cimport return-value ;                       
STRUCTURE ACCESS                                                
event-type @ ;                                                  
xconfig-width 8 cells + @ ;                                     
xconfig-height 9 cells + @ ;                                    

X-WINDOWS MASKS                                                 
KeyPressMask            0 mask ;                                
KeyReleaseMask          1 mask ;                                
ButtonPressMask         2 mask ;                                
ButtonReleaseMask       3 mask ;                                
ExposureMask           15 mask ;                                
StructureNotifyMask    17 mask ;                                
X-WINDOWS EVENT TYPES                                           
KeyPress               2 ;                                      
KeyRelease             3 ;                                      
ButtonPress            4 ;                                      
ButtonRelease          5 ;                                      
Expose                12 ;                                      
ConfigureNotify       22 ;                                      

X-WINDOWS INITIZATION                                           
display screen root-window window black white gc                
NULL XOpenDisplay display !                                     
display @ XDefaultScreen screen !                               
display @ screen @ XRootWindow root-window !                    
display @ screen @ XBlackPixel black !                          
display @ screen @ XWhitePixel white !                          
display @ root-window @ 100 100 500 500 4 black @ white @       
       XCreateSimpleWindow window !                             
display @ window @ 0 ExposureMask KeyPressMask                  
  ButtonPressMask StructureNotifyMask literal XSelectInput      
display @ window @ 0 0 XCreateGC gc !                           
display @ window @ XMapWindow ;                                 
close-window display @ gc @ XFreeGC                             
             display @ XCloseDisplay ;                          

X-Windows Drawing                                               
pixel red-green blue-flags                                      
box push push push push display @ window @ gc @                 
pop pop pop pop XFillRectangle ;                                
rgb 8 shl blue-flags !   24 shl swap 8 shl or red-green !       
display @ display @ screen @ XDefaultColormap pixel XAllocColor 
display @ gc @ pixel @ XSetForeground ;                         
black 0 0 0 rgb ;                                               
white 255 255 255 rgb ;                                         
red 255 0 0 rgb ;                                               
orange 255 192 0 rgb ;                                          
yellow 255 255 0 rgb ;                                          
green 0 255 0 rgb ;                                             
cyan 0 255 255 rgb ;                                            
blue 0 0 255 rgb ;                                              
magenta 255 0 255 rgb ;                                         

X-WINDOWS event type handlers                                   
event here literal ; 200 allot This is just a size guess        
width height                                                    
handle-config event xconfig-width width !                       
              event xconfig-height height !  0 ;                
handle-button 0 ;                                               
handle-key 1 ;                  square 100 100 box ;            
1000 0 do   256 random 256 random 256 random rgb                
       width @ 20 - random height @ 20 - random 20 20 box  loop 
0 0 width @ 2/ height @ 2/ black box                            
10 10 red square       20 20 orange square                      
30 30 yellow square    40 40 green square                       
50 50 cyan square      60 60 blue square                        
70 70 magenta square   80 80 white square                       
0 ;                                                             

X-WINDOWS EVENT LOOP                                            
dup KeyPress = if drop handle-key else                          
dup ButtonPress = if drop handle-button else                    
dup ConfigureNotify = if drop handle-config else                
dup Expose = if drop handle-expose else                         
drop 0 then then then then ;                                    
window-loop begin                                               
  display @ event XNextEvent                                    
  event event-type handle-event until ;                         
window-test create-window window-loop close-window ;            

X-WINDOWS START BLOCK                                           
27 33 thru                                                      

LOOP TEST BLOCK                                                 
row 10 0 do dup . i . 3 spaces loop cr ;                        
test 10 0 do i row loop ;                                       

factorial2 dup 1 <= if ; then dup push * pop 1- recurse;        
factorial 1 swap factorial2 drop ;                              
5 factorial .                                                   
EMIT TEST                                                       
one-key begin key dup emit 27 = until ;                         

PRIME NUMBER TEST                                               
indivisible mod 0<> ;                                           
part-prime dup 1 = if drop drop 1 else 2dup 1- part-prime       
           push indivisible pop and then ;                      
prime dup 1- part-prime ;                                       
print-if-prime dup prime if . else drop then ;                  
primes 2 do i print-if-prime loop ;                             
1000 primes cr                                                  

VARIABLE TEST                                                   
x y                                                             
     1 x !   2 y !    x @ .  y @ .  cr                          
314159 pi :constant                                             
pi . pi .  cr                                                   
:pair , , does> dup cell+ @ swap @ ;                            
10 11 p :pair                                                   
p . .  p . . cr                                                 

RANDOM TEST                                                     
test 400 0 do 10 random . loop ;                                